Yogic Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit

From the saints and sages of the ancient time, the yogic feats are tied in a strict knot with the culture and tradition of the south Asian country. From the Vedic Period, the yoga became the part and parcel of India’s culture and now, the healing process of the Asanas is spreading all over the world. If you are eager to build your body, regular freehand and gym exercises are necessary. But building the body is not the ultimate thing that an individual wants. Life is a very confusing journey to cover. You don’t know what is waiting for you on the next move. Anxiety, tensions, panics- all impede you from living life in a free mind.

Yogic Healing

Moreover, the lifestyle is changing every day. In previous days, you need not be so concerned about your surroundings. But now you lead a target oriented life. Presentations, increments, EMIs, deadlines- these are the most used words in your life. Not only you, but your little kid is also forced to be in the rat race. As a result, you face lots of physical and mental disturbances in your life.

What is Yoga?

The underlying meaning of the word ‘yoga’ is union. It is not just mere exercises to build up muscles. It is the togetherness of your mind; body and spirit which can be awake by the yogic Asanas when merged with the nature. Competition is an important part of today’s life. Whatever you obtain in your life, from a pin to a car, you go along with the brand value. You always want the best. Yoga has nothing to do with such concepts of the best and the worst.

Competition, cheating and holding back attitudes never go well with yoga. It is the togetherness through which we connect to our own body, mind and spirit. The ultimate stage is Samadhi, where we get united with the Supreme Power. Yoga contains all solution of your physical and mental health. What more, it helps in uplifting your spiritual existence in this vast Universe. To be specific, yoga means building a connection with the power of the Universe.

Yogic Exercises

How Yogic Exercises Help You?

Yoga is the key to open the locks of your mental stagnancies; it is the mantra to get a stable inner strength. While other physical exercises only concentrate on your body, yogic Asanas build the internal power to resist the attack much of a kind of diseases. How does it work on your mind and spirit? Training under a ‘Guru’ can make bondage between your peer groups. Slowly you will feel that all your anxieties are shading and you are feeling calmness inside you. Thus, your mental strength becomes strong and your concentration power also increases than before. Let’s have a look how regular practice of yoga helps in healing physical and mental ailments-

1- Works on Osteoarthritis

Yoga Works on Osteoarthritis

In today’s hectic lifestyle this problem has become an all-time companion of human beings. Specifically, after 40s, the bones starts to decay. In the case of women, the problem starts from the age, 30. With a proper calcium diet, yoga can be your savior from the pain of osteoarthritis.

2- Healing Power against Anxiety

Healing Power against Anxiety

By various breathing exercises the yoga teachers teach you how to let go all your tensions and calm your mind from any kind of external disturbances. Through relaxing and rhythmic breathing, slowly you unite with your breath and can merge your mind and body into one straight line. This is not magic. You need to practice the exercise every day to get better results.

3- Positive Impact on Your Libido

Positive Impact on Your Libido

Did you know how yoga affects your sexual life? The busy schedule has snatched all your mental stability and that has a negative impact on your physical relation too. Thus, your happy married life gets hampered as lots of misunderstandings and misjudgment takes place. If it is happening in your life, give a try to yoga as it can definitely improve your libido by simple yoga practices.

4- Helps in Respiration

Helps in Respiration

With breathing and relaxing exercises, it is possible to establish a healthy respiratory system. Patients of Asthma can get effective results if they follow the appropriate breathing exercises under the supervision of any yogic trainer.

5- Works on Obesity

Works on Obesity

This is a very common problem in today’s life. Not only the elders, but the younger ones also face the damaging effects of weight gaining. Knee breaking exercises can fail sometimes to cure the problem. Yogic exercises give you positive results if you follow the proper guideline. Being in shape is that much easy now.

6- Cure Insomnia

Cure Insomnia

Reasons of this problem are many, solution is one and only- yoga. The sleeping pills do nothing than to disturb the balance of hormone secretion as those are mainly steroids. Instead of being habituated for having those devils, practice yogic exercises. Thus, your nerves will be calmed and soothed and the poise of your mind will lead to a peaceful sleep.

7- Enhances Memory

Enhances Memory

Yoga enhances your mental stability. It works on building your concentration power and sharpening your memory.

So, this is how yogic healing exercises help in building the power and strength of your body and mind. Thus, your spiritual life also gets affected to a great extent. By reducing the anger, frustration, and depression, yoga opens the door to unite with the nature and divine.

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