The Negative Consequences of Kali Yuga, the World is facing

Kali Yuga, according to various ancient Hindu scriptures, had been described as the darkest interval in Human History even before its inception. Even though with the advancement of science and modern society, people have chosen to ignore such warning and ready to accept the incidents as coincidence, today we bring to you how ancient saints correctly predicted the truth about Kali Yuga and the negative consequences people are facing and how it has shaped to be the darkest period in human history.



According to malnutrition is one of the most important reasons contributing to diseases in the world. Malnutrition leads to under-nutrition, which adversely affect mental and physical growth. Children are affected most by this malice. In India, we had 237.7 million undernourished people in the year 2005-2007 (source: Wikipedia).

Malnutrition hits hardest the developing or under-developed countries in Africa. According to Wikipedia, 75% of the total population of Democratic Republic of Congo was suffering from malnutrition in the year 2004-2006. The situation is similar in other African countries.

On the other hand, a study by University of Arizona shows that nearly 40-50% of all the harvested food is completely wasted in the United States. 760 kilograms of food is wasted by each person per year in the States, and the country spends about a billion dollars simply to dispose of the food waste. Many other countries like Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway follows the USA in food wastage.

In a world where some people spill blood and sweat to eat two meals a day, others are wasting food like tissue papers.

Simple Solution– Equal distribution of wealth has to be ensured by providing equal opportunities and uplifting living standard.



USA got her freedom in 1776. India got hers in 1947. We are a long away now from the barbaric acts of slavery under leaders of a different nation. We proudly call ourselves independent and republic. But there are many countries in the world which are still fighting the bloody battle of freedom, freedom for a violent dictatorship. Egypt, North Korea, Libya, Sudan, Syria are still waging battle for democracy. Many of these countries are republics in pen and paper, but citizens live a hard life bereft of basic rights. In the recent years, we have the rise of the ISIS in Iraq and Syria, where these terrorist claim that they are working towards freedom.

Simple Solution– Citizens have to be proactive and make sure they protest together against all sorts of dictatorship decisions as no government can function without mass support.

Increasing lethality of never-known before diseases:

Coronavirus Pandemic

In recent times, we have seen thousands dying in the Ebola outbreak in West Asia. Approximately 10,000 deaths have been confirmed by WHO due to this disease. Ebola, caused by the Ebola virus, leads to severe internal and external bleeding, resulting in a tragic death for the victim.

Another lethal disease doing the rounds is Swine Flu, which is said to have claimed nearly 2,000 lives in India. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused millions of deaths worldwide, highlighting the urgent need for effective public health measures.

Scientists are still struggling to find a complete cure for many diseases like cancer and AIDS.

Simple Solution: Mass awareness must be promoted, and more social messages should be broadcast than product ads on channels. Digital media should be utilized to prevent such diseases, and national movements to eradicate these deadly diseases must be initiated throughout the world.

Continuous decline in artistic talents and Sexification of Media and Art:

Sexification of Media and Art

There is an increasing tendency to titillate the viewers in most form of visual media. Scantily clad models add unnecessary glamour to audios and videos. The internet revolution has brought pornography to the fingertips of the individual. A copy-paste attitude followed by the Bollywood industry from its Hollywood counterpart has resulted in a sharp decline in the level of artistic talents. The youth today rocks at the music of a certain Honey Singh who calls women whores and glorifies vodka.

Simple Solution– People have to be motivated to think out of the box and to be creative and imaginative enough and the body must be set up to regulate and monitor over media organisations.

The ever-increasing violence in rape:

increasing violence in rape

In December 2012, India and the world woke up to the gory news of Nirbhaya’s brutal rape. The girl succumbed to death about two weeks later. Earlier, rape victims suffered social stigma. Now they face death in the hands of the perpetrators. And the death gets gruesome with rods being inserted in the private parts. Even if the woman survives, she is unable to live a healthy life after the traumatic experience.

In the recent Ranaghat incident in West Bengal, a nun over 70 years of age was gang-raped by hooligans. This is a slap on the faces of those who lecture women on dressing sense.

What caused this sudden increase in violence towards women? What stirred the hornet’s nest? Is there an increasing tendency towards violence in today’s society?

Simple Solution: Laws must be made and observed strictly, severe punishment must be set and an example must be set to the world so that such crime never done again. Only through fear of punishment and quick judgement for justice can stop the barbaric species.

Adolescent pregnancy:

Adolescent pregnancy

While the average age of marriage among men and women has gone up considerably in the past few years, but that’s not the case as far as adolescent pregnancy and childbirth is concerned. World Health Organization (WHO) reports that about 16 million girls (in 15-19 age group) and another million under 15 years give birth every year, and the trend peaks in low- and middle-income countries. Also, pregnancy-related complication and childbirth is the second most prominent cause of death of girls in this age group.

As teenage sex rises, about 3 million girls aged 15 to 19 undergo unsafe abortions. Also, children born of such adolescent mothers have a higher mortality rate as compared to babies born to mothers aged 20-24.

Simple Solution – Parental guidance and sex education can be immediate solutions. Girls must tighten up things before letting everything go completely, a clear demarcation is absolutely necessary. The After effects must be planted in memory before hand.

Late pregnancy and consequent complications:

Late pregnancy and consequent complications

The woman of the 21st century is educated. She is modern in her outlook and is dedicated towards her career. As career emerges as having a higher priority, women tend to push back their family life behind. They marry late, and plan for kids even later. Many women bear their first child as late as thirties or early forties. Doctors predict a number of complications resulting due to this:

  • Infertility tops the list, as the chances of becoming pregnant slims with age.
  • Increased risk of genetic abnormalities among the babies born of late pregnancies. Down’s syndrome is one effect of this.
  • Chances of miscarriage or other pregnancy related complications rise as the woman grows older.

Simple Solution: Such practical topics must be included in social studies and a proper guidance must be taken before hand from physicians for a planned pregnancy.

Substance abuse:

Substance abuse

The National Institute of Drug Abuse in America says that illegal use of drugs has been increasing in their country. In 2012, about 23.9 million Americans aged 12 or older—or 9.2 percent of the population used an illegal drug.

In India, the primary substance that is abused is alcohol (21.4%) apart from tobacco, followed by cannabis (3.0%) and opiates (0.7%).  A study by the Global Youth Tobacco society in 2006 reveals that 3.8% of the students smoke, and 11.9% use smokeless tobacco. There is an increasing trend towards this.

Cases of drunken driving are on the rise. A Times of India report for Thane in 2014 stated that drunken driving had increased by a whopping 111% compared to 2013. Again, in January, the same newspaper reported that cases of drunken driving among women are also on the rise. Another report state 480,000 of deaths occur due to drunken driving all over the world.

Simple Solution – Action speaks louder than words. Example of how people are suffering by taking those drugs must be aired and showed as documentary. Only through the eyes of the past victim, our future generation can learn.

Drop in Average IQ:

Drop in Average IQ

Studies show that since the nineteen fifties the average IQ of the world’s population (studies done in countries like UK, Denmark, Australia) has declined by 1 IQ point. The average IQ for 2011 was calculated to be 88.54 is the lowest since the 1950s. The Daily Mail, UK reports that the average IQ might drop by a further 1.3 points by 2050. How could this be possible in an age where technology is the biggest thing?

Studies also show that people seek people of similar IQ, and mate with the same, results in off springs having similar IQ level. Also, poverty rates and IQ level are directly connected.

Simple Solution – Activities that requires the usage of brain must be encourage from primary level. Innovation methods and proper encouragements must be done to bring out the creative part in every individual.

The Smartphone network:

The Smartphone network

Ever heard of Nomophobia? Well, it’s a tech term to describe fear of not having your mobile phones near you. Close your eyes (or don’t) and think really hard. Can you live without your cell-phone for a day? As your phone gets smarter, you connect with your whole world via that 5-inch device. You Whatsapp, Facebook, Skype… you remain connected to the rest of the world 24/7. Now what were to happen if you lost touch of your phone for a day, or even for a few hours?

Apart from this, using smart-phones continuously also affects your eyes. When continuously watching the small screen, the blinking rate of your eyes halves. And that makes the eyes drier. Your neck muscles go stiff, and your eyes feel tired, and head starts to ache.

We are heading towards a time where we need to remain connected to our screens as frequently as we can, for the next notification or the next update. A generation that remains hooked onto the phones even when crossing roads, and catastrophe strikes.

The above are the tip of the iceberg. Many other such problems like poverty, pollution, global-warming and inflation makes this world a difficult place to live in. One thus wonders where exactly Mother Earth is headed to? Is the great Wheel of Time move ahead and take us to Satya Yuga again? Looking around where we stand today, the chances look bleak.

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