Third Day Form of Durga: Mata Chandraghanta

Mata Chandraghanta is the third form of Mata Durga. She is worshiped on the third day of Navratri. As she has a half moon on her forehead in a shape of bell therefore she is known as “Chandraghanta”. Chandraghanta also means supreme bliss and knowledge and showering of peace. By Mata’s blessing all the hurdles that comes in her devotees path are removed and her pleasant looks finishes all sorrows, fear and pain of her devotee. Those who worship Mata Chandraghanta gets strength and gets blessing from Mata to be happy throughout their lives.

Legend of Mata Chandraghanta

Mata Chandraghanta

Mata Chandraghanta has a very charming bright personality. She has a golden color skin and she rides on a lion which itself reflects braveness and strength. Mata Chandraghanta has three eyes and ten hands and on eight of her hands she is holding display weapons and other two hands are in gesture of mudra and stopping harm. She is a true example of bravery and the sound of her bell make such a strong sound that the demons and Danavas always get terrifies and even it keeps the negative energy away from her and her devotees.

It is said that the third day of Durga Pooja is very important which is Mata Chandraghanta’s day. As on this day the mind of Sadhak enters Manipura Chakra and on this day by the blessings of Mata Chandraghanta, he gets the capability of watching divine things. This day is so divine that the devotee even smells the divine things and many type of divine sounds gets audible to him. It is also said on this day and on this p[articular stage a Sadhak has to be very careful as these are the most powerful powers which are very uncontrollable for an human.

Mata Chandraghanta is always ready to protect her devotees from all evil and the more she is brave and ever ready to kill evil, the more she is polite and humble and ever ready to protect her devotee. By the grace of Mata Chandraghanta all sins of her devotee (Sadhak) gets finished and burnt up and his/her obstacles gets removed. Even though she is very busy killing the evils but yet she always find for her devotees. A very good quality which is developed in her devotee except for braveness and fearlessness is that he/she gets very humble and polite to everyone. They try to live a peaceful life but that doesn’t mean they can be bullied and can be dominated easily.

Mata Chandraghanta should be worshiped by chanting this mantra:

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ चंद्रघंटा रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः:।।

भावार्थ: हे माँ! सर्वत्र विराजमान और चंद्रघंटा के रूप में प्रसिद्ध अम्बे, आपको मेरा बार-बार प्रणाम है| हे माँ, मुझे सब पापों से मुक्ति प्रदान करें।

Which means that I join my hands in front of supreme goddess and adore the Devi with bell shaped on her forehead and I ask for forgiveness for all my sins and bad deeds i had ever done in my entire life.

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